Sunday, December 16, 2007
I've always had the privilege of having an amazing group of friends ever since I started attending Hillsdale. Freshman year I learned the importance of building a strong community of people that would be your support base- especially during the college years and especially at a challenging school like Hillsdale. This group of friends became my community and my family during my freshman year. We did most everything together. Whether it was movies (theater or on campus), studying, cooking and eating, or whatever else happen to came up, I spent a lot of time with the same group of friends. I am so thankful I had them to go back to at the beginning of this year and look forward to growing with them throughout the remaining years of college.
This year another community grew within my life that was not necessarily expected. Within my dorm- the one with the reputation for being quiet with the doors closed- grew into an amazing community of Christian guys that I hope to continue developing great relationships with. Community became a part of my life to the extent that I enjoyed working in my room and just hanging out with whoever was around. Whether it was talking about nothing until 3am, making random MacDonalds runs, or reading countless English papers, community was something I desired and sought after...
And it is well worth the effort. Although community cannot be forced, I realized that sometimes one must make an effort to foster community. I do not think things happen by chance... I am grateful for this past year and look forward to what next semester brings...
Meanwhile I will continue to ponder the concept of community...
Friday, December 14, 2007
Niedfeldter's minus one...
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Late Nights/Distractions/Finals Week
First... hmm... I really like staying up late. Pretty much everyone who knows me understands my late night habits. For some reason I can think clearly at night. My thoughts understand what I am reading. They can focus better than any other time of the day. In all honesty, I am never tired. I am tired mornings and afternoons and evenings. But I wake up completely past midnight.
Distractions are amazing. I don't think I've ever had a bad one. At least this semester. People have distracted me from my work. Which hasn't been bad because I haven't had a ton of work comparatively. Next year might be different. But for now I enjoy every chance I get for conversation. Every opportunity to learn something about someone's personality that never struck me before. Such things are worth it, and I am blessed....
The end of the semester brings many emotions for me. I am going to miss being gone from my friends, and from my home here at school for the entire four week break we get. I am trying not to think about how soon it will come. The goal of course is, to enjoy this week as much as possible.
I simply hope that I am understood... that what people see in me is what they truly get...
.... Random ...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Charity Ball!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The 'Feldt
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Hillsdale- 3rd Semester
I am also continuing my career in college debate which is also proving to be a greater obligation with the arrival of a new debate coach. I have a new job this year, in the admissions office giving tours of the campus to prospective students. So with all of this in mind, the new school year is proving to be just as exciting as the first year. But I am oh so glad to not be a freshman anymore...
Classes are really good thus far. I almost feel kind of overwhelmed by taking both an upper level history and english course. I hope to devote enough time to my semester long 15 page research paper on the topic of American non-interventionism in the 1920's.
Since I am in a rambling mood, I must also confess that my stomach continues to hate me for eating the food around this place. Although that might be a slight over exaggeration, I continue to wonder how I made it through an entire year eating around this place...
Niedfeldt continues to be the place I call home this year. I am so glad I came back for another year here. The freshman appear to be really nice and there is so much more involvement and community here than last year. My procrastination from Spanish homework (which is from El Diablo himself) led me to waste a good half hour of my time sitting out in the lobby with 5-10 other freshman and upperclassmen talking about the most random of subjects. My college experience is now complete as I now better understand the idea of true community in a dorm.
Hope anyone who happened to read this managed to stay awake... time to get back to that Spanish homework...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
College Football- BCS predictions
Rose Bowl-
Michigan(11-1) versus Texas (11-1)
Big time rematch that the media will absolutely push for. Both teams will drop a game preventing them from playing for the title.
Winner- Michigan (How could I not?)
Sugar Bowl-
West Virginia (10-2) versus Florida (10-2)
There is no reason West Virginia cannot exploit a weak Big East to get themselves into a BCS game. Urban Meyer gets his team back into a BCS game although not for the title this time.
Winner- Florida
Fiesta Bowl-
Oklahoma (11-1) versus Wisconsin (11-1)
Both teams are due for BCS appearances. Despite the fact that both teams have a quarterback issue, defense and intangibles should get them into a January Bowl at the least.
Winner- Oklahoma
Orange Bowl-
Virginia Tech (11-1) versus Tennessee (10-2)
Toughest one to pick for me. I still think Louisville, Georgia, and maybe even a California team all have legitimate shots at sneaking in one of these bowls. Virginia Tech I am more sure about. They are once again loaded defensively and should lose only to LSU this year.
Winner- Virginia Tech
National Championship-
USC (12-0) versus LSU (12-0)
Yeah I know I am being cautious. But one cannot ignore how powerful both teams are going to be... again...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The End of Summer
It does not seem like it should be the end of summer. It has not sunk in yet that this is my LAST week at home, even as other friends are headed back to their schools for RA training.
There is much to think about concerning this summer. It was pretty quiet in many ways as friends from high school continue to go in different directions. Even more of them became engaged, or got married.
California would be the definite highlight of the summer. I am so glad I spent the money and took the time off from work to make so many amazing memories with the Howards.
The news from this past weekend is a sobering way to end the summer. Life can end so fast, even to those one least expects it to end for. My heart aches for all those mourning for their son and daughter, their brother and sister, their grandson and granddaughter. Life can end so fast--- it is almost unfair...
Monday, July 30, 2007
True Baseball Heroes

As of July 30, 2007 Barry Bonds career home run count stands at 754, one away from tying Hank Aaron as the all time home run leader in baseball history...
On a completely unrelated note (perhaps), Major League baseball inducted two of its finest into the Hall of Fame yesterday.
In a day and age where the overwhelming majority of our athletes in every sport disgust the common American with a lifestyle of extravagance and arrogance, the words and actions of Ripken and Gwynn remind Americans why baseball is truly America's great past time- and why they are its perfect representatives.
In the words of Ripken at his induction speech in front of a record crowd of 75,000 in Cooperstown, New York-
"As years passed, it became clear to me that kids see all, not just some of your actions, but all. Whether we like or not, we big leaguers are role models. The only question is, will it be positive or will it be negative? Should we put players up on pedestals and require that they take responsibility? No. But we should encourage them to use their influence positively to help build up and develop the young people who follow the game. Sports can play a big role in teaching values and principles. Just think. Teamwork, leadership, work ethic and trust are all part of the game, and they are also all factors in what we make of our lives."
"As I experience another new beginning with this induction, I can only hope that all of us, whether we have played on the field or been fans in the stands, can reflect on how fortunate we are and can see our lives as new beginnings that allow us to leave this world a bit better than when we came into it."
"Where would any of us in this game be without the people who love the game and their teams and who even make trips to events like this long after we've put down our gloves and bats? I know some fans look at the streak as a special accomplishment, and while I appreciate that, I always looked at it as just showing up for work every day."
"As I look out at this audience I see thousands of people who do the same -- teachers, police officers, mothers, fathers, businesspeople and many others. You all may not receive the accolades I have throughout my career, so I'd like to take the time out to salute all of you for showing up, working hard and making the world a better place. Thank you all."
Gwynn echoed similar sentiments-"I never really looked at what I did as anything special- I loved the game. I think that's why you guys are here today. You loved the game, you have a passion for it. I had a passion for it; I still have a passion for it."
"My father said, 'If you work hard, good things will happen,' and he was absolutely right. I worked hard in the game, because I had to. I wasn't talented enough to just get by on ability. I had to work at it."
"I think the fans felt comfortable enough in us, they could trust us and how we played the game, especially in this era of negativity. I don't think there's any question about that."
"When you sign your name on the dotted line, it's more than just playing the game of baseball, you've got to be responsible and make decisions and show people how things are supposed to be done"
On contrast--
“I need to win, man. I've had numbers, but I've never won a World Series.”“It's called talent. I just have it. I can't explain it. You either have it or you don't.”
“Sometimes I surprise my own damn self.”
- Barry Bonds
Make the decision to support real athletes. The only hope for the continuation of real virtue in professional sports is that athletes like Gwynn and Ripken remain alive and action within society.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Bible always seems to provide the answer for the questions floating around within my mind...
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
-Jeremiah 29:11-13a
Monday, June 25, 2007
A lucky asian????... and Ron Paul too...
I do not think supporters of Paul understand that their support of him, aligns themselves with the liberal left on foreign policy. Paul supporters in fact have much in common with Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, and even Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan. Inspiring isn't it?
One does not have to agree with the war in Iraq to understand America's role in the world today. Ever since the Monroe Doctrine, America felt some sort of an obligation to protect free nations from tyranny against their will. Yes America has made many mistakes, and one can spend the entire day arguing over the actions of Bush in Iraq, however the reasons for entering the war are completely irrelevant. The issue now is the present.
Today isolationists like Paul, and liberals like Clinton cry out for our immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Although I wish as much as anyone for the troops to return, such an action would be disastrous for our reputation for freedom and our commitment to victory.
Why do liberals always want us to run? Why did they cry out for appeasement for Russia, a pull out from Vietnam, and now an abandonment of the War on Terror? Why did Bill Clinton decide to run so quickly out of Somalia, a move that only emboldened Islamic terrorists?
To run after so many lives have been in Iraq lost is simply disgraceful to our military. Without America's commitment to freedom and peace in the Middle East, the entire region will be lost. Perhaps this is a futile effort, but it is one America must finish until there is no more hope for success.
What does this have to do with me? If America had not been committed to fighting tyranny for freedom, we would have never fought Hitler in WWII. We would never have established and later died for freedom in Korea. Without this commitment, I exist as one in millions of poor, destitute, and hopeless people enslaved under some form of Far Eastern tyrannical government. Not only has America's 'imperialistic" action given me a shot at freedom, our character and compassion, expanding to those of other nations, has given me the opportunity to live here, raised within a Christian family and church, and in turn allowing for the gift of salvation.
Were America the kind of nation Clinton, Obama, and Paul envision, it is highly unlikely that I ever have the opportunity America presents me. It is even more unlikely, that I receive the salvation found within Jesus Christ adoption offered me. This is not a result a luck, rather a plan no doubt carried out by Someone with a higher purpose for America than an idealistic nation that minds its own business.
I apologize for the length of the post. My point is simple. Before you embrace the idea of people like Paul and Michael Moore, think back to the gift of freedom. Perhaps for some of you, it is easy to take for granted. It is cliche to wave the flag and sing God Bless America But for others like me, it is something I live with gratefulness to my God and country every day.
May America continue to protect the freedom she possesses, and offers to almost anyone who also desires it.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Political Buzz...
The big story appears to be the change in heart of Michael Bloomberg who switched parties today. Although elected as Mayor of New York City as a Republican, Mr. Bloomberg feels that his constituents are better served if he is non-partisan. However, this only intensifies the rumors of Bloomberg's run for the presidency as an independent. Rasmussen has some interesting thoughts and poll numbers on the effect of a Bloomberg candidacy. Bloomberg could definitely threaten the Northeastern States from Democratic control, but pull GOP votes from other parts of the country as well. The Bloomberg effect is hard to measure right now, but it should not be overlooked especially as many are expecting an official announcement soon of his candidacy.
A new NBC poll in Iowa with a margin of error of +/- 5% -- Clinton has at 22%, Edwards at 21%, and Obama at 18%. Richardson comes in fourth at 6%, and Biden gets 4%; no other Dem gets more than 2%. But a whopping 27% say they are undecided.
On the Republican side, Romney has the clear lead at 25% (even over "undecided," which checks in at 21%). He's followed by Thompson at 17%, Giuliani at 15%, Huckabee at 7%, and McCain and Brownback at 6% each. No doubt the immigration bill has seriously affected the campaign of John McCain.
Speaking of that immigration bill, a majority of Americans actually may support it than many on the other side are portraying it. Pew reports the number above 63%, although it does note that those who oppose the bill, seem to be more vocal about it. Michelle Malkin's brilliant idea appears to be tossing out politicians trying to get these issues resolved for America. People like Malkin are as useful as a Texan snow shovel. As if the GOP will not have enough trouble in 2008, let alone a bunch of primary challenges on already weakened senators. I wonder what these lunatics will think of next...
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Immigration Debate- Ashamed to be a conservative...
The defeat of this bill signals potential backlash against many in the GOP. Not only does this reveal how weak President Bush is right now on domestic issues, many conservatives are up in arms that the GOP would even consider passing this legislation. Meanwhile in the middle of all of this, the New York Times is reporting the growing support of Hispanics to the Democratic party as America's next biggest voting bloc is showing signs that it will be a strong Democratic supporter for years to come. Just as the GOP lost the African American vote because they failed to understand the issues that mattered to them, so the GOP will lose the Hispanic block because once again their ignorance is blinding us to truly helping these people.
This example also reveals the danger of the far left and the far right. When both sides become stubbornly entrenched, nothing ever happens. Radical politics should have no place in America, but yet it still triumphs in instances such as these.
Conservatives simply enjoy whining. They whine when Mexicans come here. They whine when jobs go oversees because there aren't enough Americans to fill them. Then they whine that Mexicans do not integrate ignoring the fact that the status quo today prevents illegals from integrating. One can only imagine how many more elections conservatives will lose before they get the point.
The only solution to the problem of illegal immigration is deportation or integration. You can't have it both ways. Deportation is a dangerous and unrealistic idea. Integration can be achieved, as it is achieved with legal immigrants. For some reason that is a hard concept for many conservatives to understand.
I have never read so much racist and bigoted ideas flowing from the blogs and articles of conservatives coming from this debate. Today I am ashamed to call myself a conservative. America can only look to darker days the minute we cross the bridge into irrelevance from issues that matter to the American people.
Monday, June 4, 2007
Dangerous Weekend
1. Does a u-turn in the middle of a downtown Grand Rapids street
2. Runs two stop signs (one with cars present)
3. Runs a red light
4. Changes lanes in an intersection (in front of a cop!)
5. Makes an illegal turn from the wrong lane
That is pretty much a summary of my weekend with Jeremiah's driving. I definitely feared for my life. Despite the precarious driving, the weekend was incredibly fun. Meeting up with Nate and Jon Brewer, checking out the Art Festival in downtown Grand Rapids. Going to the beach... twice. And introducing the notorious Irish driver to some of my friends. Good times.
My advice is to ride with caution with Jeremiah.
Consider this my public service announcement to the rest of you. It might save your life someday ;)Publish Post
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's So True!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Summer's Here!
It is nice to be home for the summer in many ways. Working so much has enabled me to throw my energies into something worthwhile that pays well. At the same time there is just enough time to enjoy things that one cannot enjoy at Hillsdale. I've been to four of Nathanael's little league games now. For some reason he cannot seem to hit the baseball, so it has become my summer goal to teach him how to do that.
Random trips to the beach are also worth it. Props to Cassie, Krystle, and Sean for getting me out of my room onto the beautiful lake just in time to watch the sun set. That is one thing that I miss down at Hillsdale. The ability to drive to the beach... in less than a half hour.
This summer is going to be a good one...
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Rudy on Abortion
This week also saw the death of one of the far-right's most vocal members the Reverend Jerry Falwall. Also this week, another leader of the far-right, James Dobson blasted Giuliani for his position on abortion. Apparently, Dobson appears to be supporting Newt Gingrich's run for the presidency as the only true conservative. Dobson also blasted Giulian's private life and recent marraiges claiming he does not appear remorseful for the divorce with his second wife.
Hopefully conservatives will be able to examine things in its rightful perspective as we approach election time. The GOP needs to stop relying on the outdated positions of the far-right, and examine for oursevles the issues that really matter to the American people. Just because Giuliani decided not to go on Dobson's radio show and cry for ten minutes, does not mean he is sorry for his divorce.
Regardless , the GOP is the party of better ideas that truly matter to the common people. But if we rely on voices like Dobson's, and formerly Falwell's, our ability to relate to the American people will be lost as the public will turn to figures like Hillary and Barack for the leadership they desire.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
The beginning of summer...

Today is the first day. The first in what could be a long run... or a short run. So basically there is only one person in the world that could convince me to do what I am doing. For some reason I am actually listening to her.
Grudgingly. But still doing it. No more pepsi. No more pop. Soda. Whatever the heck you call it.
Tomorrow work begins bright and early in the morning. I will be working at Fleetwood, a factory in Holland. Looking forward to what the summer is going to bring. Pray for me to survive the complete cut off of Pepsi.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Favorite First Year Hillsdale Memories
Here are some favorite memories:
Notable Songs- Cascada, Cake, and Shakira
... mocking Taylor's music... no matter how often, it was always hilarious!
Debate Trips... just as much laughter as debating... Taylor's quotes and harem, Kat's coercing of Taylor, and let us not forget the infamous "FOR YOU"
Movie night, Tuesday night tea, watching the Office on Thursdays, and dinner Friday nights.
Going to Ohio at 1am to rescue Taylor
Ping Pong
Driving around late at night with Jeremiah and Zach
Random Dancing
Star Gazing
MacDonalds how many nights a week?
Singing hymns Sunday nights
Snowball fights
Long nights in Lane which at times took an interesting twist... like my shoes ending up inside the ceiling...
House of Fire
Crowded Lunch and Dinner tables
Bible Study
El Cerrito
And numerous more random times of fun...
Thanks everyone for the awesome memories! Looking forward to seeing you again in the Fall!
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Almost done
History Final- Done
Religion Final- Done
Just a Spanish, English, and paper revision due. A post will soon come detailing my first year at Hillsdale. Pending I survive til Tuesday afternoon at 3...