Monday, June 1, 2009

More ramblings...

First day of work went well. I hope to blog sometime this week about the exact work I will be doing this summer. I should have an even better idea after the end of the week.

I did want to blog about the metro and a few other random things. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed riding the d.c. subway system. It is a great place to watch people. It is weird to get on the stops closer to Capitol Hill and see the passengers look a lot like me. Young, college, interns. It is weird to actually be one of those young, college, interns this year. In the midst of the squeaky wheels in the dark underground tunnels of the orange line, I remembered how long I've wanted to be out here for a summer. I'm thankful for the chance.

I work at the Rayburn House office building. Congressman Hoekstra's office is in the corner of the second floor. He gets a nice corner office right by the bathrooms and the elevator because of his seniority and rank on the Intelligence Committee. Rayburn is a hideous building on the inside. No matter where you go, it looks the same. Oh well... The view outside is great. Right there is the US Capitol. Awesomeness.

Three offices down from me is Congrsesman Mike Souder from Indiana. My good buddy James returns next Monday for his second year as an intern for Congressman Souder. Lunch breaks will rock.

That's all for tonight. I will try to continue blogging when I can...

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